Not much tonight...
I'm tired and I didn't get much interesting info today...everyone was talking about the convention, but they were mostly repeating one another, or else talking about very basic news (and if you want basic news, read a newspaper/watch the news/google it yourself).
Things that I did think were interesting:
No one can agree whether or not the Clintons gave good speeches last night, and I'm not just talking about the liberal/conservative divide either. Even if I ignore all the conservatives, the liberals were split, even to such things as who had the better speech.
Part of a speech, made by a gunner from John Kerry's ship, was played. It sounded pretty good...but I was bothered by his need to point out that all the good things he was saying about Kerry didn't mean that either he or Kerry supported the Vietnam War. This bothered me because the Vietnam War was controversial, everyone (even youngin's like me) knows that. Why did he feel the need to point that out in a speech that wasn't about the merits of or reasons behind that war? He was talking about someone making the best of a bad situation...why the extraneous sentence? The only reason I could think of was that someone told him "while we want Kerry to appear strong on defense, you better not piss off the anti-war crowd".
Someone (a conservative) read a transcript of what Ted Kennedy said in a speech about a week after Chappaquiddick. Remember, I'm only 22. I knew the story, but I'd never heard this before. I'm going to need to think about it for a while before I'm ready to write about it.
Apparently, Mark Pasquale isn't the only small business owner losing money due to the convention. Isn't the reason that cities host conventions is that they plan to make money? I hope the hotels are doing well, at least.
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