Thursday, August 05, 2004

Junto, "Wonderful Town" and Politics

So, for all of you from Junto, welcome. I'm glad that you are here. I'm sorry that I had to miss the meeting tonight, but I simply couldn't make it. Why not?

Because my mom took me out as a belated birthday present: we saw "Wonderful Town" .

What a fun show. The leads were phenomenal, the chorus was highly impressive, the music was great, the dancing (my feeling about dancing is usually 'take it or leave it') had my eyes completely glued to the stage, the sets and lighting (I'm a theatre girl, with a strong background in technical theatre) enhanced without distracting and it was just a fun, wonderful show.

Right now, I want to give a full, detailed, spoiler-filled review of "Wonderful Town". I want to do a bit of research and report about the Swift Boat Vets. I want to do a critique of Hillary Clinton's recent article in the WSJ. I want to look at the news and check out what has happened today, because I was at work all day and then I went straight to NYC to have dinner, see the show and I just got home.

But mostly, I want to go to sleep.

Guess you'll have to wait for more tomorrow.


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