Saturday, September 11, 2004

A Day of Remembrance

3 years ago today, we had a very painful wake-up call.

3 years ago today, innocents were killed in an attempt to topple our government.

3 years ago today, only a relatively small number of Americans were murdered, but all Americans were targeted.

3 years ago today, frantic phone calls were made across cities, states and the entire country, trying to find out if friends and family were okay.

3 years ago today, we came together because
3 years ago today, we learned that we are not as safe as we thought we were.

Today should be a day of remembrance. We should remember the innocents who died. They died for trying to live normal lives in our country.

Today should not be a day of protests or "mourning US policies". Today should not be a day of trying to drag attention to your pet cause. That's innappropriate. There are 364 other days (365 this year) when you can get attention.

I remember seeing the plane hit the building. I remember seeing the towers fall. I remember trying to call my father and not being able to reach him. I remember learning that my stepfather's office was much closer to the towers than I had previously thought. I remember trying to understand that there were people who hated us that much. I remember feeling that my safety had shattered. I remember wondering if this meant that all of the things I imagined for the future were no longer possible.

I remember the bravery of firefighters going into a building and I remember the horror of them never coming out. I remember the loss of innocents and heroes and the strength of a country that refused to be defeated.


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