Thursday, July 29, 2004

Whining about Whiners

Today's Morning Sedition show was considerably less enjoyable than usual.  One of the Marks (don't know which one) kept yelling, complaining and basically carrying on about 'Republican whiners'.  Apparently, 'Republican whiners' are Republicans who complain that there is Bush-bashing going on at the DNC Convention.

I find that an interestng definiton.  Apparently anyone who complains that their candidate is being 'bashed' (regardless of whether or not it seems to be happening) is a whiner. 

Now, I haven't listened to more than clips of the speeches at the convention, so I'm hardly in a position to state definitively whether or not there is bashing going on.  At the same time, I don't doubt that certain people are going to complain of bashing if anyone says so much as one semi-critical word about their candidate.  But I also don't doubt that certain people (frequently the same sort as the automatic complainers) will bash the other guy's candidate with no basis in reality (comparing Bush to Hitler immediately comes to mind).

And the Mark kept repeating the same thing (in an annoying baby-voice) something along the lines of 'ooh, the liddle George Bush is the war president but he needs people to protect him from debate'.  Huh?  Where did that come from?  All that he said was happening was that some people were whining about Bush-bashing (in a forum, by the way, where the president had no access to 'debate' any of the points), not that a source from the administration or the Bush campaign were making the complaints. 

Sounds more like he's whining about free speech than about actual campaign problems...


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