Friday, January 28, 2005

Right Now, On The O'Reilly Factor

A man who compared the 9/11 victims to Nazis has been asked to speak at Hamilton University*.

On O'Reilly, their is a 9/11 widow and her son, who attends Hamilton, explaining how hurt and horrified they are that an otherwise good university would give this man a platform for his hateful views. A representative of the university is also there. He admits that the speaker has some truly horrible things to say, but insists it is a "Freedom of Speech" issue.

No one is suggesting that this disgusting man's freedom to say whatever garbage he wishes be abridged. But giving him a forum to espouse his views is not "Freedom of Speech", it is giving him a platform. He does not deserve a platform and all people of conscience should avoid giving him one.

If he wants to talk, he has that right. But make him do it on his own dime.

*In their defense, when they first asked him to speak, it was on another topic and they were unaware of his cruel comments at that time.


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