The speech that Mayor Nagin should have given
This is a speech that I believe, had it been given by the Mayor of New Orleans after the flood (rather than the curse-filled tirade he actually gave), would have kept things significantly calmer in his city.
To the people of New Orleans, those who have successfully evacuated and those still in the city:
We have just suffered the greatest tragedy in our city's history. Now is the time for dealing with this crisis, focusing on the 'hows' or the 'whys' will come later.
If you are outside the city, please remain where you are. Do not attempt to return unless you are trained in search and rescue. The city is without power, without running water and without hope of getting those things up and running anytime soon. Our focus now must be evacuating anyone who still remains in the city.
For those who are in still in the city, please remain calm. That one thing alone will help the continuing evacuation process.
Work together. Help each other. Be there for one another until we can get you safely evacuated.
Please do not use your cell phones unless you need emergency assistance so that those who do need such assistance can get through.
Please do not drink the flood waters. We have reason to believe they are contaminated and can make vast numbers of people ill. Use soap and antibacterial wipes whenever possible to help slow the spread of disease. Try to keep hydrated and fed so that you will have the strength to withstand the illnesses that are common in close quarters. Along those lines...we realize that most of you still within the city have limited supplies, if indeed you have any left.
Recognizing the emergency situation, the city of New Orleans will allow its residents to take food, water and hygiene products from wherever they can be salvaged. We will take responsibility and reimburse the owners for their losses.
This does not give the criminal elements of society the right to take advantage of the situation. Stealing and looting is still against the law and the police are instructed to stop those who attempt such crimes. The police have the authority to use whatever means they deem necessary, including deadly force.
To the police and other rescue workers: You are doing a tremendous job under incredibly difficult circumstances. I am proud of you. The entire city of New Orleans is proud of you. But we must ask you to do a bit more. I realize how difficult it is to work without knowing when your reinforcements will arrive, but I have faith in you. Furthermore, under these emergency cirumstances, I encourage you to use whatever means necessary to keep order.
This is a difficult time for New Orleans. But we have a long history and strong citizens. Together, we can get through this immediate crisis and then face with courage the rebuilding of our beloved city.