Sunday, February 11, 2007

You missed a great lecture last night...

Last night, at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Dr. Deepak Lal gave a great lecture about the long history of capitalists, the later historical unintended consequences that brought about capitalism and why some people continue to resist free markets (if the audio isn't up yet, it will be soon).

It was simpy fascinating to learn about how, around 1000 CE, the Church completely changed the social institutions of Europe (with beneficial economic consequences for themselves) and later created property law that, while intended merely to protect its newfound wealth, protected property rights for everyone under the Church's control. And it is the fear of having their social institutions changed that leads some other cultures to resist capitalism.

In addition to the lecture, the cocktail and dessert hours were great. Lots of good talk about current events with interesting people including Garner Goldsmith of Liberty Conspiracy (who hasn't been to meetings in a while).

Nice evening all around.


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