Saturday, February 10, 2007

Giuliani Sounds Good

Powerline has video of Rudy Giuliani on Hannity and Colmes. The man is sounding good. Even on the things I might not totally agree with, he makes a reasonable case. He also manages to get in quite a few of points in a short amount of time such that, after hearing him for only 8 and a half minutes, I feel pretty comfortable that I know where he stands on a number of issues. And, truth be told, his positions are very appealing to me.

Hat Tip: GayPatriot


At 7:02 PM, February 17, 2007, Blogger Mark said...

what did giuliani say that appealed to you?

At 11:20 PM, February 28, 2007, Blogger Hooder said...

I liked that he didn't shy away from the question of whether social conservatives would support him: he admitted there would be disagreements but he doesn't seem to have any interest in pandering to make them like him more. He has his positions and he accepts that not everyone will agree...and he's okay with that.

His position on abortion is basically identical to mine (and similar to the majority of country, according to polls), he likes strict constructionists for justices and he is in favor of giving more choice in education. His position on guns is not the same as mine, but it is one I can both respect and live with. And, overall, I just think he sounded good.


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