Friday, July 30, 2004

FEE Free Public Lecture

I just saw an amazing lecture at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Dr. Bruce Caldwell gave a talk on Friedrich von Hayek and economic methodology entitled "Hayek's Challenge". I know, 'economic methodology' doesn't sound all that interesting, but I found the speech to be facinating. Dr. Caldwell is also a good speaker...too often people, particularly academic types, might have interesting things to say, but they can't say them well.

FEE tends to have great lectures, but that isn't my favorite part. My favorite part is talking to the other people there. It is so refreshing to talk to people who share the same premises: freedom is good, freedom is a right, freedom works. I have spent most of my life surrounded by people who don't hold these ideals, insead thinking things like: 'freedom is good in certain circumstances', 'freedom is only a right on social (rather than economic) issues', 'freedom might work but socialism would work better given the right circumstances'. This also means that the level of the conversation has to be at a lower level: we have to argue over the premises first.


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