Funny Comment
I was watching CNN and they had someone discussing the horrible abuse of the 527 laws (basically, they allow 'interest groups' like to evade the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance laws). Interestingly, he wasn't complaining that was spending ridiculously large sums, nor was he complaining that it was increasingly difficult to track where the money was coming from...
He was complaining that George W. Bush hadn't denounced the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth.
This is especially amusing because John Kerry hasn't denounced any of those on the left ( as a prime example) who have deliberately and intentionally equated Bush with Hitler. And it is a rare case when he's even asked to denounce the left wing of his party; more often, he builds on their perceptions of Bush as an unequivocally evil man.
As far as I know, Bush has not tried to capitalize on the SwiftVets commercial. Puts him ahead of Kerry in my book.
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