Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Dina Update

Sorry for the lack of posts...I've been so busy here at Pritikin that I just haven't had time (or energy) to post before now. After the bunch of posts right now, don't count on anymore until Sunday (which is 1-on the weekend when I will be less busy and more used to the program and 2-is not during Yom Kippur (Friday night to Saturday sunset) during which I will not be writing.

The amount I'm learning about the American Diet (and my own bad habits) is startling not because it is different than I thought it was, but because the problem is so much more extreme than I believed it to be. I have come to an entirely different place in my thoughts and motivation and will definitely be sticking to this when I leave (Dad, I would like to hold off a bit on the leaving...we should talk).

If you have a problem with your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol or any 'disease of affluence', I strongly suggest at least starting to look at Pritikin.


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