Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Randi Rhodes and the Plot Against the President

If you are a regular listener of Randi Rhodes...or heck, if you have ever listened to her, you know she is convinced that there was voter fraud on a massive scale, particularly in Ohio. She didn't want the President to win, she wants someone to overturn the election results and was desperately looking for ways to convince others to agree with her.

She has finally accepted that he will be the president for the next 4 years, but she still wants to make a stink.

Her idea is to delegitimize Bush's second term. She is asking for at least one senator (preferably all of the Democrats) to join with the congressmen that already plan to protest the election results and for them to jointly require debate at tomorrow's joint session. She wants them to throw the vote to the House of Representatives, not because she thinks that will change the election outcome (Bush would have the votes to win), but because she wants him to be known as the president who was never voted into office by the people.

After the razor-thin election in 2000, I understood why people felt that President Bush's election wasn't necessarily legitimate.

But now?

President Bush has won the 2004 election with, not only the first majority (not merely plurality) vote since his father took office, but by the vote by the greatest number of voters in our nation's history.

Even if Randi succeeds, Bush's presidency will not be delegitimized...the House of Representatives will merely give their support to the President's popular and electoral vote win.

At the same time, I suspect any attempt to do this will help delegitimize Congress...


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