Tuesday, October 26, 2004

She's Ba-ack!

Yes, Dina is back, she is alive and she is better than okay. I had four (yes, FOUR!) whole weeks at Pritikin and learned how to eat and exercise in such a way to make me well.

My cholesterol improved tremendously, I lost nearly 20 pounds and am able to exercise without getting out of breath. I have more energy than I can ever remember having.

Some people were worried about keeping up the eating habits at home...that the temptations would be too difficult. My opinion? That no food tastes as good as feeling this good.

And honestly? I don't even feel tempted. I truly enjoy the food I have learned to cook, and I love the fresh vegetables and could practically live on the spicy tomato soup that I made (and is now fillling up my freezer).

And as far as the temptations go, my one week back (which included two weekends) has had me go out to eat several times, mostly with other Pritikin people, but also once to Mexican with my little brother and once to Italian with my mom, stepdad, Grandpa F, Grandma Ro and my step-Grandma H and once to Applebee's by myself.

At the Mexican place, I ordered something low fat, but I still, quite literally, was unable to eat due to the high salt content. At the Italian place, my stepfather (as normal) ordered veal parmisan. I used to love parmisans (veal, chicken, eggplant) and I liked the smell...but the thought of eating it was unpleasant. The people next to me at Applebee's had an order of riblets and popcorn shrimp...two of my former favorites. The amount of grease made me sick (and more than happy for my salad).

When I first started at Pritikin, the people there said "It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle". I thought that was a load of...well, let's just say I thought it was a line.

Now, I'm totally convinced.


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