This afternoon on my commute home, I was listening to the Randi Rhodes show. Randi was complaining that Bush has flip-flopped.
Her basis for this was that Bush didn't keep a number of his campaign promises. Some I thought were legitimate, for example, he didn't stop (or even seem to slow down) pork-barrel spending: he still hasn't vetoed anything. Others, I thought were less legitimate, for example, he hasn't managed his goal of making health care cheaper: that's an extremely thorny problem to deal with in the best of times and somehow, I think Bush may have been distracted by other things (like, say, oh, attacks on American soil) early in his presidency. Still others were purely partisan: she doesn't like his environmental policy, therefore that was flip-flopping on the environment since he had promised to do good things.
The reason why she was moved to complain to stem from this ad: http://www.kerryoniraq.com/
Now, making no claims as to the veracity of this ad, it is remarkably impressive. Using Kerry's own words, they show how his position has altered...it is still difficult to know where he stands.
All I kept thinking, while Randi was talking is: this is the best counter-claim she can manage?
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