Monday, August 30, 2004

Misty Fjords

This is taken word-for-word, directly from the recording I made immediately after I went inside after our trip through the Misty Fjords. Please excuse any sentence-structure issues or tense problems.

So, we went through this fjord and it was just--so beautiful. I mean... I just kept saying, out loud and to myself, 'this is ridiculously beautiful'. I took some pictures but it just can't capture... y'know 'cause the boat, the boat is so big.

I remember when we first came to the pier and I saw the ship for the first time and it just looked like a building on the water. I mean, of course, we were looking at the back end, but it really looks huge, like an actual building that just happens to be floating. So...the boat is big. It looked big in Vancouver, it looked huge next to Skagway (population 800), and you could see it from almost any spot in town in Keitchikan. I mean, this is a very large ship.

But here...We are going through this fjord (I really need to find out the name) and there are these big mountains on either side of the ship. I'm on the 12th deck, the floor above the pool and it is just really open on both sides and there's no ceiling and--wow. There's a little bit of water on either side of the ship, then--the mountains.

It's the most remarkable experience. I just...I just kept standing there in awe.

I never thought that I was the kind of person who liked seeing stuff. Because, well, because I never enjoyed scenery or like, landscapes. I mean, picture postcards are nice and even most of this trip was just seeing one picture postcard after another. But I never really appreciated it.

But this...I even stopped taking pictures (and believe me, if you ask my family, that's a huge accomplishment) because I was so busy just looking and enjoying the site.


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