Thursday, August 12, 2004

Gut Reaction

This is my gut reaction to first hearing the news; I reserve the right to change my opinion as facts become available.

As you probably have heard if you are listening to the news, Gov. McGreevey has resigned over the fact that he had a gay affair. He has cited the fact that it was an extramarital affair (rather than that it was with a man) as his reason.

Much as I would find it inspiring to find out that a politician would resign over the fact that he is heartsick that he broke his vows to his wife and, thus, cannot be trusted to keep any of his promises, I find this unlikely.

Especially since the claimed affair happened two years ago (took him long enough to start to feel bad about it) and since man he claims to have had the 'consentual' affair with is planning a lawsuit.

Everyone is too caught up with the whole homosexuality aspect. (I understand the reasons why, I just think they are silly.)

But if a woman was innappropriately appointed to a position, then given an $110,000 a year job as a replacement, then quit that job (and its compensation), then reports came out that the woman was planning to file a sexual harassment lawsuit, and then the governor described their relationship as consentual (which is what happened to Golan Cipel) we would be horrified.

We would ask ourselves what was so bad about a job, with compensation of $110,000 a year while allowing you to be close to your consentual lover, that would cause a person to quit.

Men can be victims of sexual harassment too. And the circumstances surrounding Cipel's quitting and McGreevey's decision to resign makes me inclined to believe that there is far more to the story than a man who believes himself unworthy of the office due to an extramarital affair...


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